So, I was sweetly nominated, and passed the award:


How sweet it that?!

Thank you to fellow blogger who nominated me, also named Becky. She has a great blog:

She has a sweet blog about food, life, fun and enjoying it all! Give her a follow! 🙂

There are four rules:

1) Say “Thank You” to the person who nominated you & link their blog to your post.
2) Answer the 10 questions given to you.
3) Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers (I’m passing it to 5) and let them know they have been nominated.
4) Include the Award Badge in your post.

Here are the questions she asked me, and my answers:

And my questions to you:

1. How do you define pure and absolute joy?

The times that I can specifically remember those feelings are when I walked down the aisle towards my husband on our wedding day, when I first heard my children cry after they were born, and the first time my two babies said “I love you Mommy”. They seem to be family related, fulfilling moments. Times when I’m just overwhelmed and can’t express how I feel other than pure and absolute joy! 🙂

2. What so far has been your most memorable meal?

My most memorable meal was the best food I think I’ve ever had when my then boyfriend (now husband) took me to a Sunday Brunch at a hotel on Palm Beach Island called “The Breakers”. I had never seen such beautiful food in my life. Everything was so elegant! Before I was halfway done with my glass of water, they were filling it back up. There were King Crab legs, and rack of lamb.. and it was all buffet, so I got to try anything and everything! Definitely will always remember that meal!

3.  Your favorite quote and by whom?

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis (I love a LOT of quotes by C.S. Lewis)

4.  Favorite celebratory beverage?

Celebratory would be an Asti Spumante sparkling wine… something light, sweet and fun!

5. Best book you’ve read in the past year?

“Bridge to Haven” by Francine Rivers

6. How many different places have you lived…and…

I have lived in 3 different states, and many places within those states… especially during college!

7. Where was your favorite place you’ve lived?

My current home with my husband and family is my favorite HOME… but there are favorite things about each place I lived!

8. What was your favorite food in second grade?

Man… in 2nd grade?? Probably chips or pasta.

9.  What would you serve for a romantic dinner?

I would serve: A rack of lamb with rosemary and garlic mashed potatoes, balsamic brussel sprouts and for dessert it would be a pint of Ben&Jerry’s Americone Dream! 🙂

10. Champagne, sparkling wine, cava or prosecco?

Most of the time, sparkling wine! 🙂

My Nominations:


Crafty Coin

Food Fellowship and Wine

Fitness and Health Spot

Put Your Best Food Forward

Cooking Without Limits

And my questions to you:

1. What was your favorite meal as a child?

2. What is your favorite thing to cook for your significant other?

3. Do you prefer chain restaurants, or the Mom&Pop/Dive local spots?

4. What is your favorite wine you’ve ever had?

5. If you are home by yourself, noone to cook for, what do you typically make as your go-to dish?

6. What is your favorite song that you could listen to on repeat?

7. What is the best and most memorable meal/thing someone has cooked for you?

8. What is your favorite city to visit and why?

9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

10. If the President were to visit your home, what would you make?


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